Caree Blog Posts

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Caree – 3 Part Feature Video of the Adventure

mark | Sept. 18, 2019
Three videos of the adventure across the top of Australia
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Tacho Troubles

mark | Aug. 16, 2019
Troubles with the tacho resolved
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Update - August 2019 Fremantle

mark | Aug. 13, 2019
An update of what's been happening since arriving in Fremantle
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Home to Fremantle

mark | Aug. 26, 2018
Caree arrives to her new home in Fremantle
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mark | Aug. 22, 2018
We arrive in Geraldton
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mark | Aug. 20, 2018
Sail to Carnavon
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mark | Aug. 9, 2018
We arrived in Exmouth and had lots of fun.
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The Magic Montebello Islands

mark | Aug. 2, 2018
Exploring the Montebello Islands
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Goodbye Dampier

mark | July 26, 2018
We say goodbye to Dampier
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Unexpected stop over in Dampier

mark | July 26, 2018
Regulator fail so we're heading to Dampier
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