- Check mid bilge
Aprox 5~10mm of water - will need to check for tank leak with pin hole camera - Head Sail
Tighten temporary ropes on #2 headsail rigging - Test fit Shower Drain Bilge Box Shelf
Test Fit shower box bilge drain, needs to be tapered to suit the taper in the bilge - Port aft temporary mooring line
Fit a temporary second mooring line to port aft as a backup as ring on post is badly work
- Build Online Maintenance Log Book
Write an online app to handle the maintenance log book with search by subject or keywords. Include Subject, Description and images with thumbnails.
- Cabin
Remove faulty light switch from port mid lounge area for replacement
- Check stuffing box container
Aprox 1ml water - Check engine bilge
Aprox 2ml water, have had heavy rain - Check middle bilge
Aprox 400ml water, have had heavy rain - Check shower bilge container
Check tempory container for shower / anchor locker / V berth. Dry