- Remove shore power
Due to yacht club policy, Removed sore power
- Cabin
Fit new USB plug to port galley - Electrical
Order Deutch waterproof connector kit - Cabin
Vacuum all carpets and clean all bench tops - Bow spit Board
Attempt to refit bowspit board. Alignment seems to be a problem. Will remove, then remove all butyl rubber and investigate alternate waterproofing - Engine
Run engine at a fast idle to warm up and circulate oil. Run in neutral, reverse and forward to exercise gearbox and prop. Shut down at 918.8 hours - Engine - Battery
Battery light flashing at idle - investigate - Check engine bilge
Dry and clean - Check Shower bilge container
Check shower drain / V berth / anchor locket temporary drain container - dry - Check mid bilge
Pumped about 5 ml out