Caree Maintenance Logbook

Sunday 19th, March, 2023

  • Clean Heads
    Clean forward and aft heads
  • Test shower bilge
    Test show bilge - float switch not activating
    Manual switch is working
    Remove lid and screen
    No debris or obvious problem
    Replace screen and lid
    Fuse not in holder, insert 10A fuse, to be replaced with 5A fuse
    Test run on manual and auto - works well
  • Check shaft seal / Stuffing box
  • Check Engine Bilge
  • Check mid bilge
    remove little water from mid bilge
  • Trace leak from mid bilge
    Remove water from mid bilge after working on shower bilge
    Water leaked into mid bilge after shower bilge activated
    Run fresh water tap in galley - no leak - rules out fresh water leak from pressure pump circuit
    Pour bucket of water in shower - Leaks into mid bilge
    Check all fittings on shower bilge - ok
    Check shower bilge area and bilge outlet area - both sowing no signs of leaks
    Appears that when the shower bilge is activated it pumps out through the shared bilge outlet and some flows back into the mid bilge from where it joins the shared outlet hose.
    Check for one way valve, if not fitted, then fit one.
  • Boom bag stretched
    Checked setting of boom bag ropes
    While resetting noticed that the boom was at an unusual angle.
    Gooseneck had come apart, clip missing, roll pin failed
    Re assemble main boom gooseneck
    Old spare found in parts, use to compare with new one to be purchased, holes line up.
Sunday 12th, March, 2023

  • Check shaft seal / Stuffing box
    Dry, no change
  • Check Engine Bilge
  • Check Shower bilge container