Caree Maintenance Logbook

Tuesday 19th, April, 2022

  • Check battery charging
    Battery drop after disconnect. Drop second battery from house battery bank. Now using only the forward battery of the bank.
  • Check engine bilge
    No sign of any more oily substance. Leave bilge pad in to monitor for any leaks
  • Check centre bilge
    Drain centre bilge. Water from removal of shower drain bilge box
  • Forward Head
    Check electrics. Faulty rocker switch. Replace complete box with rocker switch and fuse. Fixed
Monday 18th, April, 2022

  • Outboard Maintenance
    Strip gearbox unit. Realign Forward Nuteral shift cam. Rebuild and test. Works
  • Outboard Maintenance
    Gaskets and oil seals need replacing
Sunday 17th, April, 2022

  • Outboard Maintenance
    Loosen shaft linkage bolt on outboard. Operate gear shift linkage. Operational. Lower gearbox will need to be removed for inspection.
Saturday 16th, April, 2022

  • Check bilge - Stuffing Box
    Check gland seal / stuffing box. Aprox 2~5ml in container - Monitor
  • Check engine bilge
    Apro 3 drops of light oily substance, No sign of origin. Place bilge pad and leave to try trace origin.
  • Outboard Maintenance
    Lubricate gear linkage on outboard with WD40 - frozen will not move.