Caree Maintenance Logbook

Thursday 19th, January, 2023

  • Install Head Sail
    Install second head sail onto Fore Stay.
    Attach all running rigging and furl sail.
Wednesday 18th, January, 2023

  • Install Shower Bilge
    Remove temporary shower bilge installation.
    Replace shower bilge shelf.
    Epoxy fill around edges of base.
Monday 16th, January, 2023

  • Trial fit Shower Bilge
    Trial fit bilge drain pump.
    Connect electrics with new Deutsche plug
    Connect inlet and outlet
    Trace wires back to the rear of the switchboard where the fuse required replacement.
    Trail run, runs well.
    Shower Bilge
    Shower Bilge
    New Deutsche Plug on electrics.
    New Deutsche Plug on electrics.
Friday 13th, January, 2023

  • Check Batteries
    Connect shore power and turn on charger
    Fine day 24 degrees at 1625
    Starter Battery 14.4 Volts charging at 18 amps falling to 16 amps in seconds
    Hours Battery 13.6 Volts
  • Fit Hawse Block
    Trial fit it Hawse Block, perfect fit
  • Clean anchor winch area
    Clean all old sealant from around where anchor winch is to be installed
  • Clean Anchor Winch Bolts
    Clean and polish anchor winch bolts
  • Trial Fit Anchor Winch
    Trial fit anchor winch.
    Forward starboard bolt is required to be inserted first, as it needs to clear the pawl bolt mount: See photo.
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Starboard Fore Bolt
    Hawse block fitted
    Hawse block fitted
    Anchor Winch and Hawse Block
    Anchor Winch and Hawse Block
  • Trial fit chain despooler
    Trial fit the Hawse pipe / chain de-spooler. Need to research location in relation to chain gypsy
  • Tidy up cabin
    Place all tools in their homes.
    Pack all items away.
    Vacuum all carpets.